20% of Nintendo Switch Systems Sold in 2020 Already Had Owned a Switch in Their Household

Over a fifth of preexisting Switch owners bought a second unit within their household in 2020.

With the pandemic trapping us all inside our confined homes in 2020, seeing our friends and loved one wasn’t possible, with many of us having to resort working from home. It also gave us an opportunity to grow and bond more with our loved ones.

Many which used gaming to bring each other together and have a good time around the living room, passing nights laughing and enjoying our time with each other despite the dark times we we’re facing.

Well, the numbers don’t lie. According to the Financial Results Briefing for Fiscal Year, homes with Switch systems already in their houses most likely end up buying another one.

In the previous fiscal year, household demand for multiple systems accounted for roughly
20% of unit sales of the Nintendo Switch family of systems

Going forward, we expect demand for multiple systems per household will increase even as hardware unit sales grow. By region, significant sales growth is continuing in Asia, and we believe there is still room for sufficient
growth of new demand in Europe and the United States, considering the sizes of those
populations. To this end, we must thoroughly convey the appeal of existing titles and future titles to consumers

Certainly, having games like Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Mario Kart 8: Deluxe were great pickups for even those who wouldn’t consider themselves gamers.

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